She had a pool party at my parents' house and the best part about it was when I got to the party a little late, walked in and had the following exchange with one of her friends:
Meghan: "Um, Emma's aunt?(I love that that's how they address me) Are you a professional cake-maker?
Me: "Nope, I'm not!"
Meghan: "Wow. Well, then, are you an artist?"
Me: " Not really."
Meghan: "Oh. Well, then what DO you do for a living?"
Ahh, the glory that is a child's thought process...the idea that if you're good at something, that must be what you do. We should all be so lucky, right? I actually think the kid might be onto something.
The second shining moment was when we gathered around the cake to light candles and sing, and Meghan (bless her Tweener heart) yelled, "Let's all have a round of applause for Emma's aunt!"
I about died.
So, here's the cake that was the source of so much joy for me (I have to admit, it's one of my favorites)...